frd YMX-FRA 24-25.04.11, with "Schauinsland Reisen" fuselage & tail titles on white cs since 19.07.11, ex all white cs, frd to DUB 16.11.11 for C-check, testfl 30.11.11 white
frd DUS-DUB 19.11.12, s04.12.12 white C-rgd, slse due, IMP Group C-rgd 12.12.12, but remained in Dublin, 'reverted to D-reg by 21.12.12' white, C-reg canc 21.12.12 to N-
N-rgd WFBN 21.12.12, sDUB 03.01.13 due to XL AW Germany's bankruptcy, frd white to AUH 30.03.13 for mx/paint, N-reg canc 31.05.13, frd AUH-AYT 04.06.13 on lse, wetlsd to Camair 01.16, ret 16, wfs 22.10.18, frd AYT-LDE 07.11.18 for lease ret, own ACG
dam 19.05.20 San Diego CA 0(X) after landing appeared that parts of tail fin were missing, presum fell of mid flight. WFU and std GSO 03.04.2024. Std MZJ 16.04.2024. Airline csd ops 30.04.2024
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