Boeing 737 NG [28252 / 1195]

Registration: N28252
Operator: US Dept of Justice
HEX Code: A2D88B
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Government
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
7O-ADMBoeing737-8Q8(WL)2002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
7O-ADMYemenia737-8Q8(WL)2002ILFC, sRenton 25.07.02 primer, s19.11.08 winglets, sis 17.02.11, arr DUB 02.06.11 lse ret
9Y-JMCCaribbean Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2011ILFC ret 25.07.11 N-rgd. sDUB 30.07.11 fc, N-reg canc 15.08.11, frd DUB--POS 17.08.11 Air Jamaica fcs. Opfor Air Jamaica until 12.05.2014. WFU 25.09.2021. Std GYR 13.10.2021.
N28252Lessor737-8Q8(WL)2023AerSale Inc.
N28252US Dept of Justice737-8Q8(WL)2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9Y-JMC Caribbean AirlinesKJFKEGLL Spotter
9Y-JMC Caribbean AirlinesKFLLJLRAviation
9Y-JMC Caribbean AirlinesCYYZcolinw
9Y-JMC Caribbean AirlinesKJFKGreggy
9Y-JMC Caribbean AirlinesCYYZFlyDroo
7O-ADM YemeniaEGLLgrahamepage