Boeing 737 NG [28302 / 243]

Registration: N27UA
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-DNTSAS Scandinavian Airlines737-6831999wfs 24.03.05 ARN tt 11257, 15157 l
G-CDKDFlyGlobespan737-6832005repainted ARN 17.04.05 fc frd to GLA, sGLA 19.04.05 on training flights, wfs 15.09.08, frd to EMA 16.09.08 for paint
HL7781Eastar Jet737-6832008r/o EMA 25.09.08 fc titles, frd to DUB 26.09.08 for maintenance still as G-CDKD, frd Dublin-Bacau 28.10.08 fc G-rgd, frd Bacau-STN 14.11.08, rr and depa 28.11.08 STN fc on del, Meritz Securities sold to Easter Jet Co 15.05.13 ex lse
N27UACorporate737-6832013frd GMP--ANC 14-15.05.13, r17.06.13, s wfu Tupelo 13.07.13 intact, Easter cs/HL reg painted
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All Users Sightings

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G-CDKD FlyGlobespanEGSSAyronautica
G-CDKD FlyGlobespanEGSSgrahamepage
SE-DNT SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos