Boeing 737 NG [28305 / 290]

Registration: SE-DOR
Operator: SAS Scandinavian Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OY-KKESAS Scandinavian Airlines737-6831999HUD tests, to Stockholm ARN 20.06.99, wfs 30.10.02 Oslo, temp str tt 5660, 8192 l, to WOE 17.12.02 tt 5973, 8657 l (so presum in svc 11.02), canc 01.04.03
EC-INDAir Europa737-6832003frd WOE-Bergen 27.02.03, tt 5975, 8658 l for repaint, frd to ARN 06.03.03, tt 5976, 8659 l, testfl 28.03.03 left side in Air Europa col, repaint to SE-DOR 16.04.04 Palma, SAS rgd 27.04.04 tt 8288, 11592 l
SE-DORSAS Scandinavian Airlines737-6832004frd Palma-ARN 29.04.04 grey, in svc, repaint fc, in svc 25.07.04, wfs 31.10.05, tt 11096, 14998 l
G-CDRBFlyGlobespan737-6832005frd Oslo-Bristol-Filton 03.12.05 for painting, depa 06.12.05 fc, wfs 28.01.08, frd to SEN 28.03.08, s16.03.08 basic col, to be ret SAS, titles reapplied SEN 04.04.08, ret in svc 10.04.08, wfs 05.05.08, canc 02.06.08, tt 17469, 17374 l
SE-DORSAS Scandinavian Airlines737-6832008frd SEN-CPH basic Flygl. col, in svc 16.06.08, to SNN 08-15.07.08 for SAS fc, Skalguldet 257 KB r18.06.08, SAS Sverige AB r11.07.13, Arlanda Leasing r31.07.13, wfs 12.03.17, frd OSL-St Athan 28.03.17 bcs, pwfu, reg canc 30.05.17
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SE-DOR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
SE-DOR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
SE-DOR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage
G-CDRB FlyGlobespanEGSSGreggy
G-CDRB FlyGlobespanEGSSGreggy
G-CDRB FlyGlobespanEGSSGreggy
G-CDRB FlyGlobespanEGSSgrahamepage
G-CDRB FlyGlobespanEGSSGreggy
G-CDRB FlyGlobespanEGSSGreggy
SE-DOR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEHAMGreggy
EC-IND Air EuropaLEALgrahamepage
OY-KKE SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage