Boeing 737 NG [28577 / 124]

Registration: PR-VBN
Operator: GOL Linhas Aereas
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N577GELessor737-76N1998canc 2.11.98
LV-PNZLAPA Argentina737-76N1998
LV-ZHXLAPA Argentina737-76N1999sBuenos Aires, GECAS to PALS VII 8.05.00 (still LAPA)
XA-TWFLinhas Aereas Azteca737-76N2002PALS VII ret/N-rgd 17.09.02, own PCC, sMEX 26.12.02 fc rrgd
PR-VBNVARIG737-76N2008PALS VII N-rgd 20.06.07, s pkd MEX 28.06.07, D-ABKB Air Berlin reg res. but ntu, N-reg canc 26.12.07, sSJO 23.12.07 nc, rrgd
PR-VBNGOL Linhas Aereas737-76N2008frd CNF-SJO 05.02.15 ret lessor, s30.05.15 white, no visible reg, ris when? Frd CNF--VCV 17.10.19 presum overhaul, sis 01.20
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