Boeing 737 NG [28609 / 417]

Registration: N7818L
Operator: Southwest Airlines
HEX Code: AA97B8
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B22 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N609LPLessor737-76N1999FSB 19.11.99, N-reg canc 22.11.99, pkd Buenos Aires s20.12.99 still N-rgd
LV-ZSJLAPA Argentina737-76N1999sis 14.03.00, arr Lasham 4.12.00 ret GECAS, s pkd 15.01.01
N609LPLessor737-76N2001sLasham N-rgd, full Jet AW col, AFSC to Zibal AL 9.03.01, FSB 9.03.01, s21.03.01
VT-JNTJet Airways737-76N2001frd Lasham-LCA 8.04.01 fc as N609LP, N-reg canc 10.04.01, VT-reg canc 03.04.08
OO-JANJetAirFly737-76N(WL)2008s07.06.08 BRU, s13.05.09 winglets, canc 07.11.14, sBRU 08.11.14 N-rgd white
N7818LSouthwest Airlines737-76N(WL)2014WFBN 13.11.14, r17.11.14, frd BRU--PAE 20-21.11.14 white. WFU and std BHM 06.05.2023
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N7818L Southwest AirlinesKLASgrahamepage
N7818L Southwest AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
N7818L Southwest AirlinesKATLWarthog1
N7818L Southwest AirlinesKLAXJLRAviation
OO-JAN JetAirFlyLTFEWarthog1