Boeing 737 NG [28628 / 573]

Registration: PR-SLA
Operator: Sideral Linhas Aereas
HEX Code: E498AA
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TC-APNPegasus Airlines737-86N2000GECAS, sNuremberg 25.06.00 white/Pega tit-tail, s10.11.00 Nur., tit, white tail
TC-APNAir Algerie737-86N2000sCDG white, tit/logo, sCDG 10.01.01 fc
TC-APNPegasus Airlines737-86N2001sAMS basic Algerie col, Pegasus tit, sSXF 21.06.01 now full Algerie col, opf Pegasus, sAMS 29.09.01 white, Pegasus titl, sDUS 23.12.01 full Peg. col
TC-APNAir Algerie737-86N2003sCDG white no titl, s24.09.03 now with titles
TC-APNPegasus Airlines737-86N2004sis ZRH fc, s01.03.04
TC-APNFly Air737-86N2004sAMS, basic Pegasus col, Fly Air logo/titles
TC-APNPegasus Airlines737-86N2005sSalzburg fc/titles (Fly Air visible), ret to GECAS 06.07
EC-KINFutura International Airlines737-86N(WL)2007sPMI 23.07.07, s17.08.07 winglets, white, titles/logos, blue rudder, AL ceased 08.09.08, s str Perpignan 21.10.08 basic col
HL7796Jeju Air737-86N(WL)2009GECAS/LIFT Turkey LLC N-rgd 23.01.09, frd PGF-MCT 05.02.09, LIFT N-reg canc 06.04.09, sKIX 03.05.12 add 'Korean Wave K-POP Big Bang members' stickers, reg canc 22.05.14 ret lessor
TC-SBZAnadoluJet737-86N(WL)2014Anadolujet cs, del PVG--AYT 01-02.07.14
PR-SLASideral Linhas Aereas737-86N(WL)2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-SBZ AnadoluJetLGRPgrahamepage
EC-KIN Futura International AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage
TC-APN Pegasus AirlinesEHAMGreggy