Boeing 737 NG [28644 / 839]

Registration: S2-AIO
Operator: Regent Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OO-CYSCity Bird737-86N(WL)2001GECAS, wfs 04.10.01 BRU, still str 1.11.01 fc OO-rgd, canc 27.11.01 (not 8.10.01)
VH-VOGVirgin Blue Airlines737-86N(WL)2001Futura lse ntu, arr Christchurch 26.11.01 for maint, s hangared 2.12.01 still City Bird col, frd to Brisbane 17.12.01 fc, winglets, sis 3.02, last svc 13.12.09, ret lessor
VQ-BFZOrenair737-86N(WL)2010sMEL 13.02.10 fc, temp VQ-rgd, later VH-VOG reapplied, Celestial AT to WFBN 16.03.10 N-rgd, canc 18.03.10 lsd to Orenair, frd MEL--BKK 24.03.10
VQ-BFZRossiya Airlines737-86N(WL)2016ret lessor, sPVG 12.05.17 Regent AW fcs
S2-AIORegent Airways737-86N(WL)2017SHA-DAC
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