Boeing 737 NG [29077 / 104]

Registration: PR-GIG
Operator: GOL Linhas Aereas
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N103UNBoeing737-73S1998Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N103UNLessor737-73S1998str Renton 1.10.98,11.98 fc, Transaero lsd ntu, sMarana 9.01.99
D-AGEZGermania737-73S1999arr Send 23.2 full Transaero col, repaint full Germ, to Tegel 27.02.99, SAT Flug r3.99, ro HAM 20.01.01 white
D-AGEZAzzurra Air737-73S2001sMXP 22.03.01 white, sDUS 31.05.01 fc
D-AGEZGermania737-73S2004sis Lourdes 10.02.04 still Azzurra col
D-AGEZMaersk Air737-73S2004sNWI 13.03.04 Azzurra col, sTXL 19.03.04 Maersk fc repo due OY-MEX app. ntu/in error, s20.05.04 fnc D-rgd
OY-MLZMaersk Air737-73S2005rGermania, sSalzburg 19.02.05 full Maersk col
OY-MLZSterling European Airlines737-73S2005s04.11.05 Arrecife Maersk col Sterl titl, BBAM AcH r24.03.06
PR-GIGGOL Linhas Aereas737-73S2006sCPH 11.05.06 rrgd fc, OY-reg canc 23.06.06, depa 25.06.06, due ret lessor and D-AGEZ res 19.02.13 but app. ntu, still optnl with GOL by 07.17, repo 30.01.19 tt 58169, 40863 l, wfs 31.07.19, avail. For lease or sale, sCNF airtest 21.08.19 bcs due ret lessor, str SBD 06.09.19, presum pwfu, s24.11.19 no engines, no nosecone
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PR-GIG GOL Linhas AereasSBBRJLRAviation