Boeing 737 NG [29078 / 187]

Registration: SP-RUM
Operator: BUZZ (Poland)
HEX Code: 48C26C
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B22 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N60436Boeing737-73S1999sBoeF white
EI-CRPAzzurra Air737-73S1999PeG, rr to N1014S sBoeF 5.02.99, r10.02.99 BoeC, del 14.4 white, PeL B737 r15.04.99, frd via Dublin 25.04.99 to Azzura, ret to lessor 4.02, EI-reg canc 13.05.02
PR-SAERio Sul737-73S2002s Stansted 15.04.02 PR-SAE white/blue col no tit, frd to BRU 24.04.02 as EI-CRP, sBRU 11.05.02 rrgd still no tit
OY-MLWMaersk Air737-73S2004sPorto Alegre 18.05.04 white, OY-rgd painted on, retd lessor, arr NWI 28.06.04 for repaint
OY-MLWSterling European Airlines737-73S(WL)2005s01.11.05 AMS Maersk col Sterl titl, WFBN r16.06.06 lsd to Sterl, s28.02.08 full red col, winglets, AL ceased 29.10.08, sARN 01.11.08, frd ARN-Tallinn 18.11.08
HK-4627Aires Colombia737-73S(WL)2009frd TLL-SNN 22.03.09 OY-rgd for repaint, r/o 30.03.09 fc, s02.05.09 HK-rgd, frd SNN--BOG 22.05.09
HK-4627LAN Colombia737-73S(WL)2011frd BOG-MEX 20.03.14 due ret lessor, frd MEX--SNN 23-24.06.14 LAN bcs
EI-SEVRyanair737-73S(WL)2015WFBN ret 27.06.14, N-rgd 30.06.14 Shannon, LAN bcs, for sale 07.14 via, s str SNN 17.11.14, frd SNN-PIK 05.05.15 for Ryanair crew training, frd PIK-MST 23.06.15 now EI-rgd for paint, frd MST-EMA 30.06.15 fcs, repo for mix of crew training and revenu service Y148, ff as trainer 03.07.15, first pax svc 21.08.15 DUB-STN, last flight as dedicated trainer 26.10.15, now 60 seats corp. interior for charters
SP-RUMBUZZ (Poland)737-73S(WL)2023
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SP-RUM BUZZ (Poland)OTT/OFFairman45GB
SP-RUM BUZZ (Poland)EGPKAyronautica
EI-SEV RyanairEGPKAyronautica
EI-SEV RyanairEGPKAyronautica
EI-SEV RyanairEGPKAyronautica
EI-SEV RyanairEGPKAyronautica
EI-SEV RyanairEGPKAyronautica
EI-SEV RyanairEGSSAV8 Photos
EI-SEV RyanairEGNXEmirates101
EI-SEV RyanairEGCCAV8 Photos
EI-SEV RyanairEGSSEGLL Spotter
EI-SEV RyanairOTT/OFFcolinw
EI-SEV RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-SEV RyanairOTT/OFFJLRAviation
EI-SEV RyanairEGPKAyronautica
EI-SEV RyanairEGPKFlyDroo
OY-MLW Sterling European AirlinesLEALgrahamepage