Boeing 737 NG [29083 / 392]

Registration: OH-JTZ
Operator: Jet Time Finland
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AWOHBoeing737-73S1999Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-AWOHHamburg International Airlines737-73S1999PeG, pkd Hamburg, not in , temp reg 28.10.98, CofA iss 23.11.99
D-AWOHLufthansa Cityline737-73S1999del Munich basic LH col no tit
D-AWOHHamburg International Airlines737-73S1999s22.04.00 fc, s29.11.00 nc
D-AWOHHamburg Chile737-73S2000depa HAM, due ret 3.01
D-AHIBHamburg International Airlines737-73S2001rr 21.03.01, DUS s26.11.06 new col, frd HAM-SXF 12.01.09 due ret lessor, frd to SNN 29.05.09 for repaint
LY-STGStar1 Airlines737-73S2009r/o SNN 08.06.09 fc, sVNO 05.02.10 nc, last svc VNO-DUB 22.09.10, reposs by lessor Elviria Leasing, frd Dublin-Cairo 24.09.10
OY-JTZJet Time737-73S(WL)2011winglets presum installed in AUH, AUH-CPH 28.02.11, Elviria Leasing Ltd r03.03.11, in svc 05.03.11, to EMA 06.03.11 for repaint
OH-JTZJet Time Finland737-73S(WL)2014frd CPH-HEL 27.05.14, rr/fis 28.05.14, frd CPH-BOH 29.01.17
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OH-JTZ Jet Time FinlandEGBPcolinw
OH-JTZ Jet Time FinlandEGBPEGLL Spotter
OH-JTZ Jet Time FinlandGCTSWarthog1
OH-JTZ Jet Time FinlandGCTSFlyDroo
OY-JTZ Jet TimeOTT/OFFAyronautica
OY-JTZ Jet TimeLTFEWarthog1
LY-STG Star1 AirlinesOTT/OFFWarthog1
LY-STG Star1 AirlinesEGSSGreggy
LY-STG Star1 AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
LY-STG Star1 AirlinesEGSSGreggy
D-AHIB Hamburg International AirlinesEDDFAyronautica
D-AHIB Hamburg International AirlinesLGRPGreggy
D-AWOH Hamburg International AirlinesLEPAgrahamepage