N270WN/N270WN Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 NG Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© Ayronautica

Boeing 737 NG [29089 / 83]

Registration: N270WN
Operator: Southwest Airlines
HEX Code: A2A87D
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B24 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
LN-TUBBoeing737-7051998Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
LN-TUBBraathens737-7051998LN-SUB NTU, own BBAM r27.03.02, str Stavanger by 26.05.02
VP-BBTCorporate737-7052002sStavanger 25.07.02 fc, due lse/rrgd, sis rrgd STN 18.10.02
N270WNSouthwest Airlines737-705(WL)2006frd Gander-DAL 19.08.06 white, due for fc and winglets, WFBN to Southwest 23.08.06, s09.09.06 DAL still white, sPHX 26.07.08 winglets. WFU and std VCV 21.03.2020
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N270WN Southwest AirlinesKLASgrahamepage
N270WN Southwest AirlinesKSJCcolinw
N270WN Southwest AirlinesKLAXFlyDroo
N270WN Southwest AirlinesKLASGreggy
N270WN Southwest AirlinesKLASWarthog1
N270WN Southwest AirlinesKLASGreggy
VP-BBT CorporateEGSSAyronautica
VP-BBT CorporateEGSSgrahamepage
VP-BBT CorporateEGSSAyronauticaPhoto Taken
VP-BBT CorporateEGSSAyronautica
LN-TUB BraathensEGKKgrahamepage