Boeing 737 NG [29102 / 101]

Registration: N834BZ
Operator: Jet Force V LLC
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N737BZBoeing737-73Q(WL)1998Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N737BZBoeing737-73Q(WL)1998BBJ-proto, s10.98 Las Vegas bizjet convention, dd 22.12.98 for use by Boeing Corp as Company-jet, sWaco 27.05.00 full col, own MDFC 30.06.00, lsd by Boeing, sFarnborough 24.07.00 winglets
VT-HSSAir Sahara737-73Q(WL)2004still BBJ-configured, BCC ELC r27.10.04
N772BCLessor737-73Q(WL)2006frd Alexandria--USA 27-28.08.06, Netjets Large Aircraft Sales 22.09.06
N2TSFirst Virtual Aviation LLC737-73Q(WL)2007rr res 12.02.08, rr 27.05.08
N834BABoeing737-73Q(WL)2012rr res 17.08.12, rr 17.09.12 own repo as GC Air
N834BZFirst Virtual Aviation LLC737-73Q(WL)2015remains lsd to Boeing Comp, rr res 26.01.17, rr 13.03.17
N834BZJet Force V LLC737-73Q(WL)2017
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N834BZ Jet Force V LLCKVNYgrahamepage
N2TS First Virtual Aviation LLCKBZNcolinw
N737BZ BoeingEGGWAyronautica
N737BZ BoeingEGLFgrahamepage