Boeing 737 NG [29121 / 239]

Registration: ET-AVX
Operator: Ethiopian Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABAUAir Berlin737-86J(WL)1999J Hunold r4.99, s4.06.01 Corfu winglets
TC-TJHCorendon Airlines737-86J(WL)2010frd NWI-MUC fc 09.03.10 D-rgd, del MUC-AYT 21.04.10, sis 25.04.10 CDG, short Luk Aero Airlines lse 2013? sNUW 06.06.13 Corendon fcs, ret when? str by 12.05.16
ET-AVXEthiopian Airlines737-86J(SF)2019N-rgd 13.05.16, frd AMS--MIA 04-05.05.16 for lse return and conversion to freighter by AEI, Celestial Avtn Trading 8 to WFBN 05.05.16 r13.05.16, F-cvtd, testflight MIA 26.09.18, Dothan 02.11.18, Miami 16.11.18, GECAS-WFTC frd MIA--ADD 27.02-01.03.19 reg canc 01.03.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ET-AVX Ethiopian AirlinesOERKdixieboy
ET-AVX Ethiopian AirlinesOERKdixieboy
TC-TJH Corendon AirlinesEHAMEGLL Spotter
TC-TJH Corendon AirlinesLTFEWarthog1
D-ABAU Air BerlinLEPAgrahamepage