Boeing 737 NG [29936 / 1236]

Registration: VQ-BJI
Operator: UTAir Aviation
HEX Code:
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B27 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EI-CTABoeing737-8AS(WL)2002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
EI-CTARyanair737-8AS(WL)2002s06.11.06 oc winglets, last svc 01.03.09, frd to CHR 09.04.09 for repaint, s14.04.09 basic FR col no titl, Germic Aviation Safety & Regulatory Consultants r22.04.09, sCHR 15.05.09 basic col no reg, canc 15.07.09 to Berm.
VQ-BDVAtlant-Soyuz Airlines737-8AS(WL)2009r15.07.09, sChateauroux 28.06.09 fc/rrgd, s06.09.09 str, del 26.04.10, repo with Moscow AW in Atlant-Soyuz col, ceased ops 17.01.11, frd VKO-SOF 19.01.11
VQ-BDVMoscow Airlines737-8AS(WL)2010in Atlant-Soyuz col, ceased ops 17.01.11, frd VKO-SOF 19.01.11 lse ret
VQ-BJIUTAir Aviation737-8AS(WL)201101.09.18 Sochi 0(172), overshot runway on landing, ended up in Mzymta river, fire, dbr, some injuries / SOF-HMA 17.09.11, id first repo as 29937, see below
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGGWJLRAviation
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSJLRAviation
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSGreggy
EI-CTA RyanairEGSSAyronautica
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