Boeing 737 NG [30033 / 1149]

Registration: PK-CMW
Operator: Sriwijaya Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N323TZBoeing737-83N(WL)2002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N323TZAmerican Trans Air737-83N(WL)2002ILFC, AL ceased 03.04.08, frd to DHN 15.04.08, s21.07.08 basic ATA col
PK-GEGGaruda Indonesia737-83N(WL)2008own ILFC, sCGK 09.09.08 ATA colours being rubbed down, PK-rgd, '323' still on nose doors, Garuda fc s15.09.08, due ret 07.16, repo 06.16 due ret lessor around 01.17
PK-CMWSriwijaya Air737-83N(WL)2016frd CGK-SZB 21.10.16 for maintenance, pkd CGK 08.11.19, to XSP 07.12.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PK-CMW Sriwijaya AirWIIIJLRAviation