Boeing 737 NG [30040 / 1693]

Registration: RA-73269
Operator: Nordwind Airlines
HEX Code: 151E35
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-DLCHBoeing737-8Q8(WL)2005Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
G-DLCHFlyglobespan.com737-8Q8(WL)2005ILFC, depa BFI 23.04.05 no winglets yet, sSEN 17.05.05 winglets, AL ceased 16.12.09, frd GLA-BEG 04.01.10, ILFC Ireland r08.02.10, frd BEG-MAN 01.04.10, canc 12.08.10
SU-MWEMidwest Airlines Egypt737-8Q8(WL)2010frd MAN-BEG 11.04.10 fc G-rgd, del BEG-CAI 16.08.10, offered for ACMI/operating lease 06.11, frd CAI-SNN 31.05.13 ret lessor
UR-CLRKharkiv Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2013EI-rgd 06.06.13 Shrewsbury Aircraft Leasing, sSNN 17.07.13 fcs, canc 30.07.13, frd SNN-KBP 31.07.13, ret lessor and UR-reg canc 24.04.14
VP-BOWNordwind Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2014KBP-SVO tfd, Kharkiv cs, repo ar 24.10.15 to be lsd from Air Eagle by Jet Asia International (Pakistan charter Airline), photo on their linkedin of a Nordwind 737, repo to start svcs 23.12.15, one year wetlse to UN with billboard livery, based Nairobi 09.16, frd SVO--NBO 03.04.17 UN cs, frd NBO--SVO 01-02.10.18 after UN ops
RA-73269Nordwind Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SU-MWE Midwest Airlines EgyptLFPGgrahamepage
G-DLCH Flyglobespan.comOTT/OFFcolinw
G-DLCH Flyglobespan.comOTT/OFFAyronautica