Boeing 737 NG [30076 / 179]

Registration: N737BF
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Historic
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1784BBoeing737-7BJ(WL)1998sBoeF metal, white tail
N374MCAtlas Air737-7BJ(WL)1999arr HAM 28.02.99 metal/white, GECC 3.03.99, lsd back by Atlas Air
N737MCAtlas Air737-7BJ(WL)1999ro 28.09.99 HAM creme/blue as N-, s1.10.99 as D- for testflights, frd to Atlanta 11.10.99 as N-, GECC to FSB 28.09.00, depa Wichita 30.09.00 after winglet fitting, private jet of Atlas Air's boss Michael Chowdry, Atlas Air 16.03.01, FSB 16.03.01, N-reg canc 25.05.01, reregd after Chowdry died
VP-CZTAtlas Air737-7BJ(WL)2001sVancouver 18.06.01
P4-CZTAtlas Air737-7BJ(WL)2002arr Geneva 10.06.02 for maint, s6.09.02 in hangar as P4-CZT, repo offic rrgd 15.09.02, sGVA 2.10.02, to Vancouver 18.10.02
VP-BBWCorporate737-7BJ(WL)2002flew Vancouver-Stansted-Farnborough 30-31.12.02, sGVA 08.01.03
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All Users Sightings

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N737MC Atlas AirEGBBWarthog1