Boeing 737 NG [30239 / 944]

Registration: PR-VBH
Operator: GOL Linhas Aereas
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-EZJGeasyJet737-73V2001frd to SEN 18.09.08, STN 25.09.08 white, Lasham 01.10.08 due ret lessor
PR-VBHGOL Linhas Aereas737-73V2008WFBN N-rgd 01.10.08, sQLH 23.11.08 small GOL titles, white, PR-rgd, N-reg canc 26.11.08, frd QLH--CNF 28-29.11.08 white small GOL titles, s18.12.08 (?) CGH full GOL col, still with GOL by 01.16 (not to N393AG)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PR-VBH GOL Linhas AereasSBSPJLRAviation
G-EZJG easyJetEGGWAyronautica
G-EZJG easyJetEGGWGreggy
G-EZJG easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZJG easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZJG easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZJG easyJetEGKKJLRAviation
G-EZJG easyJetEHAMGreggy
G-EZJG easyJetOTT/OFFWarthog1
G-EZJG easyJetEHAMAyronautica
G-EZJG easyJetEGGWgrahamepage