Boeing 737 NG [30285 / 1237]

Registration: HL8234
Operator: Jeju Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N712BABoeing737-86Q(WL)2002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N712BABoullion Aviation Services737-86Q(WL)2002dd to BouAS 14.11.02 OO-rgd, sold by Boeing Comp to BouAHC as N712BA 14.11.02, canc 5.12.02 to OO-VAS, frd non-stop PAE-BRU 6-7.12.02
OO-VASSobelair737-86Q(WL)2002is 19.12.02, wfs 15.01.04 pkd BRU, tt 3922, 1315 l, s02.02.04
OO-VASJetAirFly737-86Q(WL)2004is 24.03.04 full World of TUI col
OO-VASCanJet Airlines737-86Q(WL)2009sBRU 02.12.09 basic blue col, red/white big CanJet titles
OO-VASJetAirFly737-86Q(WL)2010YHZ-BRU, ret Aercap by 11.10
HL8234Jeju Air737-86Q(WL)2010del ex WOE
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OO-VAS JetAirFlyLTFEWarthog1
OO-VAS JetAirFlyLTFEWarthog1
OO-VAS JetAirFlyLGKRGreggy
OO-VAS SobelairLEALgrahamepage