Boeing 737 NG [30289 / 1399]

Registration: EI-GIM
Operator: Wilmington Trust
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OY-SEJBoeing737-86Q(WL)2003Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
OY-SEJSterling European Airlines737-86Q(WL)2003BouAS, red nc, WFBN r19.11.03, last svc AGP-CPH 28.10.08, AL ceased 29.10.08, canc 08.12.08
LN-NOONorwegian Air Shuttle737-86Q(WL)2009WFBN N-rgd 09.12.08, frd CPH-MUC 11.12.08 full Sterling col, frd to CHR 30.01.09 for repaint in Norwegian col, frd to QLA 12.02.09 fc N-rgd, WFBN, N-reg canc 27.02.09, WFBN LN-rgd 03.03.09, frd to Oslo 05.03.09, Gustav Vigeland tail s12.12.09, wfs 01.09.16, frd to BUD 01.09.16 ret lessor, LN-reg canc 24.11.16
VP-CNGCayman Airways737-86Q(WL)2016repaint fcs, frd OSR-BUD 17.10.16, SNN 26.11.16 for paint, frd to GCM 30.11-01.12.16, wfs 09.12.18, frd George Town-SJO 10.12.18 for maint and lse return
EI-GIMBlue Panorama737-86Q(WL)2019sSJO 29.01.19 fcs, own ALC
EI-GIMWilmington Trust737-86Q(WL)2021ferried 02-04nov21 KTW-KEF-YYT-BGR
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-GIM Blue PanoramaOTT/OFFgrahamepage
LN-NOO Norwegian Air ShuttleOTT/OFFAyronautica
LN-NOO Norwegian Air ShuttleEGPHWarthog1