Boeing 737 NG [30293 / 1496]

Registration: A9C-FLX
Operator: Texel Air
HEX Code: 894096
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABBNBoeing737-76Q(WL)2004Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-ABBNAir Berlin737-76Q(WL)2004BouAS, depa BFI 18.05.04 with winglets and blue/silver dreamliner 7E7 style colours, Air Berlin titles, sis VIE 20.05.04, NWI repaint standard col, s01.03.06, frd NWI-MUC 01.05.09 white, for lease ret
VQ-BEOYakutia Airlines737-76Q(WL)2009frd to OBF 22.06.09 repaint fc, frd to MUC 29.06.09, del MUC-YKS 17.07.09, wlsd to Alrosa, sVKO 01.13 Alrosa titles, diamond tail logo, frd VKO-BTS 21.04.15 for repaint in standard Yakutia cs, frd BTS-VKO 25.04.15
N393AGACG Acquisitions737-F2015sVCV 01.03.16 undergoing maintenance, WFBN r29.03.17, s23.04.17 VCV Yakutia cs, frd VCV-TPA 18.05.17, cvtd to freighter and frd TPA-New Iberia ARA 26.10.18 for paint, frd ARA--Bahrain Sakhir AB 09-12.11.18, STN--TPA 20.11.18. Type now B737-76Q(F)
A9C-FLXTexel Air737-F2018
N393AGCorporate737-F2019fcs, combi config. B737-76Q(F)
A9C-FLXTexel Air737-F2020Cargo/Pax conversion. B737-76Q(F). Std TPA 31.08.2022.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
A9C-FLX Texel AirEGPKAyronautica
A9C-FLX Texel AirOTT/OFFairman45GB
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGSSgrahamepage
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGSSJLRAviation
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
D-ABBN Air BerlinEGHIcolinw