Boeing 737 NG [30567 / 761]

Registration: 9H-CRI
Operator: Aeroitalia
HEX Code: 4D21F6
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26E x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZS-SJJSouth African Airways737-85F(WL)2001GATX, s20.10.02 last SAA 738 without winglets yet, winglets by 2003, s16.07.03, r05.07.07
9M-FFEFireFly737-85F(WL)2011own Macquarie Airfinance
9M-FFEMalaysian Airline System737-85F(WL)2011ret lessor
LV-HHKAndes Lineas Aereas737-85F(WL)2017frd KUL--EZE 14-17.07.17, wfs 09.08.18, frd Salta--Toulouse Francazal 29-30.01.19 ret lessor
9H-CRIBlue Panorama737-85F(WL)20192-rgd UMB Bank NA 21.02.19, sLFBF 06.04.19 still Andes fcs, opb Regio Lease when airtested LFBF-LDE-LFBF 17.07.19, del to FCO 24.07.19
9H-CRIAeroitalia737-85F(WL)2022Op Aeroitalia
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