Boeing 737 NG [30645 / 1129]

Registration: CP
Operator: Boliviana de Aviacion
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
7O-ADLYemenia737-8Q82002ILFC, ret by 12.10
9Y-JMACaribbean Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2010IST-SMA-POS, s13.01.11 FLL winglets, Air Jamaica new col/titles, sFLL 05.08.12 Caribbean AL titles, s22.03.14 now white, large Caribbean AL titles (no longer Air Jamaica cs), frd POS--GYR 28.04.15 ret lessor
HS-NGGNewGen Airways737-8Q8(WL)2015sGYR 15.06.15 fcs, N-rgd WFBN 10.07.15, frd GYR-HNL 17.07.15, HNL--DMK 22-24.07.15, N-reg canc 27.08.15 on lse fcs, r28.08.15
CP Boliviana de Aviacion737-8Q8(WL)2020Sasof III Avtn Ireland, frd CGK--MPL 15-16.08.19, frd MPL--VCV 15-16.01.20 BoA cs(?) OE-rgd, depa 13.03.20
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9Y-JMA Caribbean AirlinesKJFKFlyDroo
7O-ADL YemeniaEGLLgrahamepage