Registration: 4L-GID Operator: Georgian Airlines HEX Code: 5140C1 Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B27 x 2 Fleet Name: Type: Freighter Status: Active Last Known Location:
del AMS-LIS 12.03.12, s07.04.12 and 29.04.12 opf TACV, s06.07.12 add TACV titles on rear fuselage, s21.10.12 Euro Atl fcs without TACV, frd LIS-LOS 23.12.12 wlsd to Med-View AL, no titles, also repo sLIS 25.12.12 due for Med-View, frd LOS-LIS-WOE 16.04.13 after Med-View slse, for Corendon summerlease, due in svc 27.04.13
available for operating lease or ACMI 09.15 via, frd LIS-AMS 29.06.16 summer lse to Corendon Dutch AL, fis 01.07.16, wfs 05.09.16, ret LIS 06.09.16