4L-GID/4LGID Georgian Airlines Boeing 737 NG Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© Greggy

Boeing 737 NG [30646 / 1122]

Registration: 4L-GID
Operator: Georgian Airlines
HEX Code: 5140C1
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B27 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PH-HZYBoeing737-8K2(WL)2002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
PH-HZYTransavia Airlines737-8K2(WL)2002ILFC, AMS 23.11.05 now winglets, SNN nc 22.12.05
PH-HZYSun Country Airlines737-8K2(WL)2006
PH-HZYTransavia Airlines737-8K2(WL)2007
9Y-TJQCaribbean Airlines737-8K2(WL)2007frd AMS--POS 12.12.07 hybrid col
PH-HZYTransavia Airlines737-8K2(WL)2008
OY-TDATransavia Denmark737-8K2(WL)2009frd BOD-CPH, OY-rgd 21.08.09
PH-HZYTransavia Airlines737-8K2(WL)2010OY-reg canc 22.11.10, PH-rgd, last svc 30.10.11, sAMS 27.11.11 fcs CS-reg under wing, PH-reg canc 09.03.12 ret to ILFC
CS-TQUEuro Atlantic Airlines737-8K2(WL)2012del AMS-LIS 12.03.12, s07.04.12 and 29.04.12 opf TACV, s06.07.12 add TACV titles on rear fuselage, s21.10.12 Euro Atl fcs without TACV, frd LIS-LOS 23.12.12 wlsd to Med-View AL, no titles, also repo sLIS 25.12.12 due for Med-View, frd LOS-LIS-WOE 16.04.13 after Med-View slse, for Corendon summerlease, due in svc 27.04.13
CS-TQUCorendon Dutch Airlines737-8K2(WL)2013summer lse, frd 28.04.13 WOE-AMS titles/logos
CS-TQUEuro Atlantic Airlines737-8K2(WL)2013AMS-LIS, slsd to Med-View AL, sLOS 20.02.14 and 05.03.14 optnl, ret Euro Atlantic, frd LOS-LIS 01.04.14
CS-TQUCorendon Dutch Airlines737-8K2(WL)2014NWI-AMS white, repainted with titles/tail by 28.04.14, summer lse, ret AMS-BUD 28.10.14
CS-TQUEuro Atlantic Airlines737-8K2(WL)2014BUD-LIS 03.11.14
CS-TQUCorendon Dutch Airlines737-8K2(WL)2015LIS-AMS
CS-TQUEuro Atlantic Airlines737-8K2(WL)2015available for operating lease or ACMI 09.15 via myairlease.com, frd LIS-AMS 29.06.16 summer lse to Corendon Dutch AL, fis 01.07.16, wfs 05.09.16, ret LIS 06.09.16
CS-TQUMed-View Airlines737-8K2(WL)2016LIS-LOS
CS-TQUEuro Atlantic Airlines737-8K2(WL)2017LOS-LIS, Norwegian wlsd 31.05-20.06.17, RAM lsd 23.06.17, ret to LIS 10.09.17, lsd to Med-View 16.09.17 frd LIS-LOS, ret Euro Atlantic LOS-LIS 15.03.18, lsd to TUI AL Belgium LIS-BRU 14.04.18, fis 17.04.18, wfs 14.06.18, tfd to TUI AL Nederland, fis 17.06.18, wfs 03.09.18, AMS-Naples 04.09.18, LIS 22.09.18, frd LIS-LOS 22-23.12.18 lsd to Med-View AL, ret LOS-LIS 22.01.19, TUI AL Netherlands lsd 01.05.19
CS-TQUAir Peace737-8K2(WL)2019
CS-TQUEuro Atlantic Airlines737-8K2(WL)2020LOS-LIS
N30646Lessor737-8K2(WL)2022Ferried SNN-BGR-MIA 18-19 Aug 2022 for conversion. cvtd at MIA Aug - Dec 2022
4L-GIDGeorgian Airlines737-8K2(SF)(WL)2022Ferried MIA-KEF-TBS 8- 9 Dec 2022 on delivery
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
CS-TQU Euro Atlantic AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
CS-TQU Corendon Dutch AirlinesLTFEWarthog1
PH-HZY Transavia AirlinesLGRPWarthog1
PH-HZY Transavia AirlinesEHAMgrahamepage
PH-HZY Transavia AirlinesLGKRGreggyPhoto Taken
PH-HZY Transavia AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-HZY Transavia AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-HZY Transavia AirlinesEHAMAyronautica