Boeing 737 NG [30651 / 1267]

Registration: PR-SJA
Operator: Sideral Linhas Aereas
HEX Code:
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B22 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-5030Boeing737-79P2002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
B-5030China Eastern Airlines737-79P2003ILFC until 05.2014, AerCap from 05.2014, available for operating lease from 04.2015, ann 02.15
F-WTDVLessor737-79P2015Macquarie AirFinance
YR-BMABlue Air737-79P(WL)2015SEN-BBU 29.05.15 white, s04.05.16 winglets, frd OTP-BBU 24.11.16 for repaint fcs, frd OTP-TUS 14-15.03.2019 for lse return
SP-LUALOT Polish Airlines737-79P(WL)2019Lsd from Macquarie AirFinance. Frd TUS-YYZ-KEF-WAW 19-20.06.19 Blue Air bcs. WFU and std WAW 16.03.2020. Std TUS 13.08.2020
N796BCLessor737-79P(WL)2020Boeing Capital Corporation (BCC).
N796BCLessor737-79P(WL)2023Bank of Utah. Std OPF 30.08.2024, std GIG 22.10.2024.
PR-SJASideral Linhas Aereas737-79P(WL)2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SP-LUA LOT Polish AirlinesEGLLFlyDroo
SP-LUA LOT Polish AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
YR-BMA Blue AirOTT/OFFcolinw
YR-BMA Blue AirEGBBdixieboy
YR-BMA Blue AirEGLLgrahamepage