Boeing 737 NG [30670 / 1481]

Registration: N311MS
Operator: US Marshalls Service
HEX Code: A34BAC
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N739MABoeing737-8Q8(WL)2004Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N739MAMiami Air International737-8Q8(WL)2004ILFC, lse for 9 yrs, sBFI 06.04.04 fnc, s12.03.07 winglets, Martinair wlsd 04.07.07 to 03.09.07, basic Miami col no titl
N739MATransavia Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2008frd MIA--AMS 22-23.04.08 for summer
N739MAMiami Air International737-8Q8(WL)2008operated ad hoc flight for Arkefly 17-18.04.09, frd MIA--AMS 29-30.06.10 opf Arkefly, ret Miami 15.09.10, lsd to Arkefly (when?) ret to Miami frd AMS--MIA 05.09.11
N739MAArkeFly737-8Q8(WL)2012MIA--AMS 27-28.06.12 for summer
N739MAMiami Air International737-8Q8(WL)2012ILFC to WTC 12.02.13 opb MAI, Phoenix AZA--MNL 04-05.04.16 as one off charter, ret AZA 07-08.04.16, wfs 28.05.18, summer lse to Transavia AL 31.05.18, fis 01.06.18, wfs 27.10.18, frd RTM--MIA 29.10.18, wfs MIA 14.03.20, AL ceased 08.05.20, frd MIA-GYR 29.05.20
N737ASLessor737-8Q8(WL)2020Stored OKC
N737ASUS Marshalls Service737-8Q8(WL)2022
N311MSUS Marshalls Service737-8Q8(WL)2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N311MS US Marshalls ServiceKATLWarthog1
N739MA Miami Air InternationalEGBBdixieboy
N739MA Miami Air InternationalKPHXairman45GB
N739MA Miami Air InternationalOTT/OFFWarthog1
N739MA Transavia AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage