Boeing 737 NG [30710 / 2188]

Registration: ET-ARD
Operator: Ethiopian Airlines
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-MSJFFlyglobespan.com737-7Q8(WL)2007ILFC, 10 yr lease, AL ceased 16.12.09, frd EDI-BEG 04.01.10, ILFC Ireland r08.02.10, G-reg canc 09.03.10
HK-4695Aires Colombia737-7Q8(WL)2010ILFC N-rgd 10.03.10, frd BEG--BOG N-rgd 19-20.03.10 still Flygl col, N-reg canc 23.03.10, s21.05.10 basic Flygl.col, Aires blue titl
HK-4695LAN Colombia737-7Q8(WL)2011sFLL 23.10.11 fcs, frd BOG-MEX 16.11.13 for lease return
ET-ARDEthiopian Airlines737-7Q8(WL)2014ILFC, Bank of Utah 19.12.13/N-rgd, frd MEX-TUS-GYR 16.01.14, s07.03.14 fcs, N-reg canc 12.03.14, del GYR--ADD 16-17.03.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-MSJF Flyglobespan.comOTT/OFFAyronautica
G-MSJF Flyglobespan.comOTT/OFFcolinw
G-MSJF Flyglobespan.comEGSSgrahamepage