Boeing 737 NG [30744 / 989]

Registration: N552WN
Operator: Southwest Airlines
HEX Code: A708DA
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B24 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N369MLBoullion Aviation Services737-7BX(WL)2002Midway AL ntu, s str Victorville 4.11.01 primer, white tail, Midway ntu, del BouAS as N369ML, ret Boeing Field 9.06.02, s25.06.02 green primer no titles, BouAHC 29.06.02, to Everett primer 3.07.02, id s9.07.02, s24.07.02 full DJ col, rrgd, s14.08.02 now winglets
VH-VBQVirgin Blue Airlines737-7BX(WL)2002is 30.10.02 named "La Blue Femme", last svc 16.09.10
N552WNSouthwest Airlines737-7BX(WL)2010frd MEL--BFI 25.09.10, N552WN ACG Acquisition 30744 LLC N-rgd 28.09.10, Southwest lsd 14.12.10, frd Everett-DAL 13.12.10 fc. WFU 06.11.2020. Std GYR 18.12.2020
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N552WN Southwest AirlinesKLASgrahamepage
N552WN Southwest AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
N552WN Southwest AirlinesKLAXcolinw
N552WN Southwest AirlinesKLAXFlyDroo
N552WN Southwest AirlinesKSANWarthog1
VH-VBQ Virgin Blue AirlinesYSSYcolinw