Boeing 737 NG [30751 / 401]

Registration: N950TR
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N800GKCorporate737-7CG(WL)1999GKW Avtn r21.04.00
N888GWCorporate737-7CG(WL)2000canc 23.08.01
P4-GJCCorporate737-7CG(WL)2001sAberdeen 5.09.01, plate checked
VP-BMCCorporate737-7CG(WL)2005arr GVA 01.02.05 old reg, depa to Ulaan Baatar 26.02.05 rrgd, sLTN 18.03.05
N888NYCorporate737-7CG(WL)2006Hualalai II to WFBN 11.09.07
N737LLessor737-7CG(WL)2008reg res 07.01.08, flew Grand Canyon-DAL 28.02.08, rrgd and flew to Waco 09.03.08, offic rgd 10.03.08
P4-SJMCorporate737-7CG(WL)2016WFBN to Arquest Investments 02.06.16, to TVPX ARS r02.06.16 lsd to Sino, N-reg canc 08.08.16 to P4-, fis 10.09.16 PEK-RIX, s15.09.16 Geostar titles
N950TRCorporate737-7CG(WL)2019frd GED-IND, fis 01.10.19 operator also repo Silver Air
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N950TR CorporateOTT/OFFgrahamepage
N737L LessorLDDURJflyer
N737L LessorOTT/OFFgrahamepage
N888NY CorporateEGSSgrahamepage
VP-BMC CorporateEGGWWarthog1