Boeing 737 NG [30785 / 1007]

Registration: OM-HEX
Operator: Enter Air
HEX Code: 505D18
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B27 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N308TATombo Aviation737-81Q(WL)2001ToA, own WFBN, canc 26.12.01
EC-ICDAir Europa737-81Q(WL)2002arr Palma 4.01.02, s5.03.02 fc, winglets, ToAN tfd to ToA Inc due ann 01.04, frd SEN-BUD 08.01.08 basic Norw col
LN-NOCNorwegian Air Shuttle737-81Q(WL)2008r30.01.08, due to arrive OSL 30.01.08 (weather delayed), Ole Bull tail col, wfs 23.11.14, frd to BUD 24.11.14 for maintenance/lse return, ret to B&B Air Funding 30785 Stututory Fund, canc 12.02.15
OM-HEXAirExplore737-81Q(WL)2015frd BUD-SEN 04.01.15 for paint white, frd SEN-BUD 12.01.15, del BUD-BTS 13.02.15
OM-HEXRyanair737-81Q(WL)2015BTS-STN 31.03.15 summer lse, based Madrid, s06.06.15 SXF white AirExplore cs
OM-HEXIraqi Airways737-81Q(WL)2016BUD-FRA, fis 25.04.16 almost fcs, s01.08.16, ret BGW-BUD 01.10.16 AirExplore
OM-HEXTUI Airlines Netherlands737-81Q(WL)2016BUD-AMS 03.10.16
OM-HEXAirExplore737-81Q(WL)2016AMS-LGW, now short term wlse to Norwegian, to BEY 12-19.11.16 short wlse to Lebanon Sky Avtn
OM-HEXPalau Pacific Airlines737-81Q(WL)2016frd BUD--HKG 03-04.12.16
OM-HEXAirExplore737-81Q(WL)2018HKG--BUD, wfs 25.06.18 (operating for Small Planet Germany), lsd to TUI AL Belgium 25.06.18, fis 29.06.18, wfs 29.10.18, ret BUD AirExplore
OM-HEXSmartwings737-81Q(WL)2019sTRN 16.03.19 fcs, ret 12.10.19
OM-HEXFly All Ways737-81Q(WL)2019
OM-HEXCorendon Dutch Airlines737-81Q(WL)2022leased from AirExplore
OM-HEXTUI Airlines Netherlands737-81Q(WL)2023leased from AirExplore
OM-HEXEnter Air737-81Q(WL)2024Lsd from AirExplore
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OM-HEX RyanairEGSSFlyDroo
OM-HEX RyanairEGSSJLRAviation
OM-HEX RyanairOTT/OFFcolinw
OM-HEX AirExploreOTT/OFFgrahamepage
LN-NOC Norwegian Air ShuttleLEMDGreggy
LN-NOC Norwegian Air ShuttleLEMDGreggy
LN-NOC Norwegian Air ShuttleEDDMFlyDroo
LN-NOC Norwegian Air ShuttleEGKKGreggy
LN-NOC Norwegian Air ShuttleOTT/OFFAyronautica