Boeing 737 NG [30807 / 829]

Registration: D-ASXJ
Operator: Withdrawn from use
HEX Code:
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Type: Withdrawn
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
5B-DBIHelios Airways737-86N2001GECAS, 11.05 repainted white, blue '' titles, awaiting new scheme/airline name
5B-DBIAjet Cyprus Airways737-86N2006GECAS, r/o nc 17.03.06, AL ceased 01.11.06, frd LCA-Lasham 22.11.06
TC-SUVSunExpress737-86N(WL)2007Celestial, to WFBN 01.12.06 N-rgd, frd to Southend 03.01.07 still basic Ajet col, r/o 08.02.07 basic col, reg under wing, s02.03.07 hangared, frd to Antalya 26.03.07, N-reg canc 30.03.07, s25.07.08 winglets, sNUE 25.07.09 full 20th Anniversary col, last AC in old cs by 2015, s19.03.15 fncs
D-ASXJSunExpress Germany737-86N(WL)2016D-reg res 07.01.16, AYT-CGN, fis 23.04.16 with 'on behalf of Eurowings'sticker, fis for Eurowings 28.04.16, wfs and ret 01.11.17, wlsd to Lufthansa fis 01.11.17
D-ASXJWithdrawn from use737-86N(WL)2020
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ASXJ SunExpress GermanyEDDLLGW_Harris
D-ASXJ SunExpress GermanyGCTSgrahamepage
D-ASXJ SunExpress GermanyEDDFJLRAviation
TC-SUV SunExpressEDDKcolinw
TC-SUV SunExpressEDDMJLRAviation
TC-SUV SunExpressLTBJWarthog1
5B-DBI Helios AirwaysEGKKgrahamepage