Boeing 737 NG [30826 / 1732]

Registration: HL8303
Operator: Jeju Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-JHVBoeing737-8FH(WL)2005Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
EC-JHVFutura International Airlines737-8FH(WL)2005RBS, N3775 Delta ntu, Delta sold to RBS, lsd to Fut, sPMI 24.06.05 winglets
EC-JHVArkeFly737-8FH(WL)2006arr AMR white/large titl
EC-JHVFutura International Airlines737-8FH(WL)2007s str PMI 12.12.07 basic Futura col no titl, partial TUI tail logo
EC-JHVAerolinea Principal Chile737-8FH(WL)2008arr SCL 09.01.08
EC-JHVFutura International Airlines737-8FH(WL)2008
EC-JHVArkeFly737-8FH(WL)2008Futura ret 16.05.08
EC-JHVSunExpress737-8FH(WL)2008frd to Antalya white/blue tail, SunExpress fus titles, Futura ceased 08.09.08, wfs
EI-ECDLessor737-8FH(WL)2008frd MLA-IST 23.12.08, canc 23.12.08
TC-SNHSunExpress737-8FH(WL)2008also repo TC-SNS r13.01.09, sAMS as TC-SNH 15.01.09, wfs 03.04.16
D-ASXQSunExpress Germany737-8FH(WL)2016D-reg res 31.03.16, AYT-FRA, fis 03.06.16, canc 27.02.18
HL8303Jeju Air737-8FH(WL)2018ret lessor EI-rgd Airspeed Ireland Leasing 16 Ltd r27.02.18, frd FRA-DUB 27.02.18 own SMBC, DUB-SNN 31.03.18, repainted, DUB--GMP 11-12.04.18
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HL8303 Jeju AirRJBBGreggy
D-ASXQ SunExpress GermanyGCRRgrahamepage
TC-SNH SunExpressEDDFcolinw
TC-SNH SunExpressLTBJWarthog1
EC-JHV ArkeFlyEHAMgrahamepage
EC-JHV Futura International AirlinesEGSSGreggy