Boeing 737 NG [30878 / 844]

Registration: N708MB
Operator: iAero Airways
HEX Code: A9735B
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B27 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABAFAir Berlin737-86J(WL)2001sThessaloniki 31.05.01 now winglets, frd to EIN 09.12.10 repaint in nc, ret CGN 17.12.10, frd TXL-PAD 31.01.12 presum remains in svc, frd MUC-NWI 02.11.14 for paint, sDUS 07.04.15 white, Air Berlin titles, sis 14.12.16 presum now wlsd from TUIfly as in-house 737 ops ended by 01.11.16
D-ABAFTUIFly737-86J(WL)2016continued svc for Niki til 30.11.17
D-ABAFEurowings737-86J(WL)2017NUE-SNN 25.03.19 for repaint, ret HAJ 01.04.19
VP-CGFLessor737-86J(WL)2022F-Conv at XMN MAY-OCT 2022
N708MBDHL Holdings737-86J(SF)(WL)2022
N708MBiAero Airways737-86J(SF)(WL)2022Lsd from DHL Holdings. Opf DHL, full c/s. WFU 26.03.2024. Std GYR 30.03.2024. Airline csd ops 04.204
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ABAF EurowingsEGSHsparkie001ukPhoto Taken
D-ABAF EurowingsEGLLEGLL Spotter
D-ABAF Air BerlinLEMGJLRAviation
D-ABAF Air BerlinEGHHgrahamepage
D-ABAF Air BerlinLTBSWarthog1