Boeing 737 NG [32358 / 955]

Registration: ZS-SJP
Operator: Mango
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZS-SJPSouth African Airways737-8BG(WL)2001own GATX but repo del to Flightlease
PH-HZUTransavia Airlines737-8BG(WL)2002Staatsloterij special col, owner Alcyone FSC Corp (GECAS ass.), first winglets 737 in Holland, due ret 2.10.02
ZS-SJPSouth African Airways737-8BG(WL)2002depa AMS in SAA col 2.11.02, SAA r7.11.02
ZS-SJPExcel Airways737-8BG(WL)2003due ret 11.03
ZS-SJPSouth African Airways737-8BG(WL)2003depa Stansted full SAA col 05.11.03
PH-HZUTransavia Airlines737-8BG(WL)2005sAMS 23.04.05 still full SAA col, sArrecife 09.10.05 white fus, titles/logos, to JNB 02-13.04.06 for maintenance, remains lsd to HV summer 06
ZS-SJPSouth African Airways737-8BG(WL)2006r09.11.06
ZS-SJPMango737-8BG(WL)2011s22.11.11 special added 'Africa is ready to host the SKA' titles, s24.11.12 full standard cs
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PH-HZU Transavia AirlinesLGKRGreggy
PH-HZU Transavia AirlinesLEALgrahamepage
ZS-SJP Excel AirwaysEGCCGreggy
ZS-SJP Excel AirwaysEGSSAyronautica