Boeing 737 NG [32579 / 1002]

Registration: N5209A
Operator: Amazon Air
HEX Code: A68C82
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N312TZAmerican Trans Air737-83N(WL)2001WFBN, ret to lessor 12.01.05 frd IND-VCV
VT-JGKJet Airways737-83N(WL)2005arr SEN 18.01.05 for repaint, s30.01.05 stripped of paint, ro 14.02.05 fc, rrgd 15.02.05, s03.04.05 perf. engine runs as N312TZ with VT-JGK taped over, s30.04.05 in hangar, N-reg canc 21.06.05 to EI-, frd to Delhi 22.06.05, Celestrial AT EI-reg canc 24.06.05, VT-rgd 27.06.05 Celestial, wfs 19.03.19, frd BOM-Jinan 30.03.19 for ret lessor and F-conv
VT-JGKLessor737-83N(WL)2019BoU N-rgd 18.04.19 own/offered Celestial Avtn Trading 1, under F-conv, sTNA 06.11.19 after F-conv, fcs, PVG--PAE 18-19.04.20, rr 12.06.20
N5209ASun Country Airlines737-83N(BCF)2020
N5209AAmazon Air737-83N(BCF)2020
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VT-JGK Jet AirwaysVIDPcolinw