Boeing 737 NG [32616 / 1212]

Registration: VQ-BFS
Operator: ATRAN - Aviatrans Cargo Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N330TZBoeing737-83N(WL)2002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N330TZAmerican Trans Air737-83N(WL)2002del. delayed, sBoeF 11.09.02 fc, s1.11.02 str, own WFBN 11.12.02, wfs 08.10.05, frd to VCV 11.10.05, ret to GECAS, frd to Southend 20.10.05
VT-JGNJet Airways737-83N(WL)2005WFBN canc 16.12.05 EI-rgd Celestial Avtn Trading, sSEN 20.12.05 fc, depa 21.12.05, EI-canc 22.12.05, ret Celestial, VT-reg canc 14.02.13
HS-DBJNok Air737-83N(WL)2013arr DMK orange/white clownfish cs
VQ-BFSATRAN - Aviatrans Cargo Airlines737-BCF2018WFBN r09.04.18, canc 18.12.18 to Bermuda, app F-cvtd and frd XSP--VKO 09-11.01.19
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