Boeing 737 NG [32625 / 995]

Registration: HL8527
Operator: Jeju Air
HEX Code: 71C527
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABBCAir Berlin737-86J(WL)2001s14.02.08 NUE nc, s31.01.10 add Ruhr.2010 Kulturhauptstadt Europas' add titles, D-reg canc 18.05.12
VP-BEZOrenair737-86J(WL)2012BUD-REN, frd Orenburg REN-VNO 16.01.15 for lse return, frd VNO-BUD 25.02.15
N625XAXTRA Airways737-86J(WL)2015AerSale 13.05.15, AerSale USA 1 KKC 13.05.15 N-rgd 14.05.15, del BUD--ROW (when), frd ROW-OPF 16.10.15 after paint, frd OPF-Richmond 06.11.15, AerSale USA reg canc 05.06.17
VQ-BMWAzur Air737-86J(WL)2017frd GYR--DME 06-07.06.17. WFU and std VKO 23.03.2020, ret svc 09.2020
UR-AZGAzur Air Ukraine737-86J(WL)2021Lsd from Aviator Capital. Std KBP 26.11.2021. Std AYT 15.02.2022
TC-MGBMavi Gok Airlines737-86J(BCF)(WL)2022Lsd from Aviator Capital. WFU and std ISL 26.01.2023. Std TAS 04.05.2023. Std TNA 06.05.2023. Freight conv at TNA 05-12.2023.
HL8527Jeju Air737-86J(BCF)(WL)2023Lsd from Aviator Capital
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VQ-BMW Azur AirLGRPgrahamepage
N625XA XTRA AirwaysKMIAJLRAviation
VP-BEZ OrenairOTT/OFFWarthog1
D-ABBC Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
D-ABBC Air BerlinLEALgrahamepage
D-ABBC Air BerlinEDDFWarthog1