Boeing 737 NG [32970 / 988]

Registration: VP-BRT
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
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Type: Business
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N707BZCorporate737-7BC(WL)2001arr HAM 3.12.01 primer, white tail for VIP outfitting, rr 1.11.02 (own BoeC), frd Georgetown DE-Boeing Field 23.11.02 still as N103QS, frd as N707BZ Boeing Field-St Lucia 4.01.03, Montreal YUL 5.01.03, Boeing Field 6.01.03, s20.03.03, sGVA 06-09.05.03 display at EBACE, Netjet colours, sis GVA 31.05.03 with President of Brazil, s display LBG 14.06.03 Netjets col, still str sBoeF 11.08.03, BoeC lsd to SJ 2003-1 Trust 19.09.03, left for Sharejet as N707BZ 19.09.03 but not yet officially delivered,
VP-BRTCorporate737-7BC(WL)2004VP-rgd on flightplan as such 16.09.04, N-reg. canc 17.09.04, AC officially del to BBJ 21.09.04, s NCE 09.10.04, sGVA 03.11.04 still Netjets col
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-BRT CorporateOTT/OFFcolinw
VP-BRT CorporateEGSSGreggy
VP-BRT CorporateEGGWWarthog1