Boeing 737 NG [33018 / 1488]

Registration: OM-KEX
Operator: Jet2
HEX Code: 505D78
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OY-SELBoeing737-8BK(WL)2004Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
OY-SELSterling European Airlines737-8BK(WL)2004CIT, red fc, CIT AI r31.03.06, lsd to Sterl., AL ceased 29.10.08, frd CPH-SEN 05.12.08 still fc, ret CIT Aerospace Int, OY-reg canc 15.12.08
LN-NOSNorwegian Air Shuttle737-8BK(WL)2009CIT EI-rgd 15.12.08, sSEN 18.12.08 still Sterl. col, s14.02.09, frd to SNN 30.03.09 EI-rgd for repaint, s06.04.09 fc, due Titan AW 05.09 ntu, CIT EI-reg canc 06.04.09, Wilmington Trust SP Svcs r07.04.09, sARN 18.06.09 no face on the tail, s22.11.09 Ludvig Holberg tail, last svc 19.02.12, frd to Lasham 20.02.12 for lse return, frd Lash-SNN 13.03.12, repaint Sunwing, ret Lash 20.03.12
C-GOFWSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2012QLA-YMX, r10.04.12, s11.05.14 split scimitar winglets
C-GOFWTravel Service Airlines737-8BK(WL)2016YYZ--WAW 24-25.05.16, wfs 03.10.16
C-GOFWSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2016WAW--YYZ, canc 11.04.18
OM-KEXPalau Pacific Airlines737-8BK(WL)2018Hamilton--BTS 13-14.04.18, BTS--HKG 21-22.04.18, ret AirExplore 31.08-01.09.18 frd HKG--BUD
OM-KEXflyEgypt737-8BK(WL)2018fis 05.09.18
OM-KEXAirExplore737-8BK(WL)2018wetlsd to Fly All Ways 17.12.18, ret 26.03.19, Sun d'Or Int AL 31.03.19, ret 22.10.19
TF-KEXIcelandair737-8BK(WL)2020fis 22.03.20
OM-KEXAirExplore737-8BK(WL)2020KEF-BTS white
OM-KEXJet2737-8BK(WL)2024Lsd from AirExplore
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OM-KEX Jet2OTT/OFFWarthog1
TF-KEX IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-KEX IcelandairOTT/OFFFlyDroo
TF-KEX IcelandairOTT/OFFcolinw
OM-KEX AirExploreOTT/OFFgrahamepage
OM-KEX AirExploreEHAMdixieboy
C-GOFW Sunwing AirlinesMMUNJLRAviation
C-GOFW Sunwing AirlinesCYYZcolinw
C-GOFW Sunwing AirlinesCYYZcolinw
C-GOFW Sunwing AirlinesMMPRGreggy
C-GOFW Sunwing AirlinesCYYZFlyDroo
OY-SEL Sterling European AirlinesLEALgrahamepage