Boeing 737 NG [33029 / 1945]

Registration: 9H-SAS
HEX Code:
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
5B-DCEAjet Cyprus Airways737-8BK(WL)2006CIT, wfs 01.11.06 (AL ceased), frd to Lasham, ret CIT 01.11.06
G-OXLCXL Airways737-8BK(WL)2006s20.12.06 nc
G-OXLCNok Air737-8BK(WL)2007frd SEN-LGW 26.10.07 Nok Air tail logo/fus. titl, sBKK 04.11.07
G-OXLCXL Airways737-8BK(WL)2008AL ceased 12.09.08, ret CIT Leasing, frd LGW-Dinard 13.09.08
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2008frd DNR--YYZ 21.11.08
C-FYLCViking Airlines737-8BK(WL)2009frd YRQ-MAN, summer lse
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2009
C-FYLCViking Airlines737-8BK(WL)2010YRQ-LGW, slsd to Viking Hellas 19.07.10, last svc 29.08.10
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2010
C-FYLCThomson Airways737-8BK(WL)2011frd YUL-DUB 25-26.05.11
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2011
C-FYLCThomson Airways737-8BK(WL)2012
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2012DUB-YYZ
C-FYLCThomson Airways737-8BK(WL)2013YYZ--DUB 20-21.05.13
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2013DUB-YYZ
C-FYLCSmartwings737-8BK(WL)2014YYZ--WAW 30-31.05.14, s16.06.14 split scimitar winglets
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2014WAW--YYZ, wfs 17.05.16
C-FYLCTravel Service Airlines737-8BK(WL)2016frd YYZ--WAW 21-22.05.16, summer slse
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2016
C-FYLCTUI Airlines Netherlands737-8BK(WL)2017frd YYZ-AMS 18-19.04.17
C-FYLCSunwing Airlines737-8BK(WL)2017AMS--YYZ, wfs 19.02.18 YYZ, frd GUS-Hamilton 11.05.18 ret lessor, canc 08.06.18
LV-HFQFlyBondi737-8BK(WL)2018Avolon, Hamilton--Cordoba 15-16.06.18
N302PPWTCT737-8BK(WL)2020WTCT r11.06.20, frd EPA--TUS 09.06.20
UR-SQPSkyUp Airlines737-8BK(WL)2021WFU and std KBP 24.02.2022, ret svc 27.04.2023.
9H-SAS737-8BK(WL)2024SkyUp Europe. Ferried IAS-MLA 16.02.2024 and std
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
C-FYLC Sunwing AirlinesOTT/OFFWarthog1
C-FYLC Sunwing AirlinesCYYZcolinw
C-FYLC Viking AirlinesEGKKWarthog1
G-OXLC XL AirwaysEGKKJLRAviation
G-OXLC XL AirwaysEGKKgrahamepage
5B-DCE Ajet Cyprus AirwaysEGGWgrahamepage