Boeing 737 NG [33474 / 1245]

Registration: N378BC
Operator: Boeing Integrated Defence Division
HEX Code:
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Type: Production
Status: Historic
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N378BCBoeing737-7ES2002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N378BCBoeing Integrated Defence Division737-7ES2002Boeing, applic for reg filed 28.06.02, Boeing Comp. r11.07.02, ceremonial roll out 31.10.02, sRenton 1.11.02, first Wedge Tail AWACS aircraft, due Georgetown DE 1.03 for fuel tanks, then Seattle for radar/fuselage mod's, flighttests late 2003, frd VCV-BFI 09.03.05 still N-rgd, no winglets (yet), del due 2006
A30-001RAAF - Royal Australian Air Force737-7ES2002sBoeF 16.04.04 RAAF col, s30.07.04 as 'wedge tail', arr EDW-Williams Gateway 10.08.04, s22.08.04 for testing, sBFI 04.02.05, depa 11.03.05 for Avalon Air show, sBFI 12.04.06 as N378BC, sBFI 14.12.07 N-rgd, s28.05.09, frd BFI--Pago Pago 06-07.11.09, h/o 26.11.09 RAAF Williamtown, N-reg canc 28.04.10, h/o at RAAF Williamtown 05.05.10
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