Boeing 737 NG [34480 / 1900]

Registration: TJ-QCA
Operator: Camair Co
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N286ATBoeing737-7BD(WL)2006Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N286ATAirTran Airways737-7BD(WL)2006s06.02.08 winglets, canc 06.10.08
C-GBEJEnerjet737-7BD(WL)2008own 1263343 Alberta Inc, sATL 17.10.08 basic Airtran col in DL hangar, canc 01.11.10
TJ-QCACamair Co737-7BD(WL)2011ACGC bt 03.10.10, N-rgd 02.11.10, frd Jacksonville VQQ-Atlanta 29.12.10, N-reg canc 28.02.11, frd 01.03.11 ATL-SNN white, for paint, presum already TJ-rgd, s08.03.11 fc, frd to Douala 21.03.11, impounded 19.08.16 JNB for unpaid bills, released 07.01.16 frd to Cameroon and ret in svc, Camair bt from ACG 04.17
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