Boeing 737 NG [34685 / 1901]

Registration: C-GWJE
Operator: WestJet
HEX Code: C07FAF
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ATUDBoeing737-8K5(WL)2006Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-ATUDHapag Fly737-8K5(WL)2006
D-ATUDTUIfly737-8K5(WL)2007frd to MST 23.01.10 for repaint into Haribo special col "HaribAIR", frd to DUS 31.01.10, repaint in nw Haribo cs, frd 14.05.14 (from/to?), s01.06.14 split scimitar winglets, frd to NWI 07.02.16, repaint in TUI-Blue the New kind of Hotel special cs, ris 14.02.16 ex HAJ
EI-GVOLessor737-8K5(WL)2021BBAM. Freight conv carried out 02-08.2022 at CAN.
2-BPDOLessor737-8K5(WL)2022RR while undergoing freight conv. Designation now 737-8K5(BCF). Noted 05.08.2022 at NRT in full Westjet Cargo c/s.
C-GWJEWestJet737-8K5(BCF)(WL)2022Std YHZ 28.10.2023
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