Boeing 737 NG [34710 / 2144]

Registration: CP-3196
Operator: Boliviana de Aviacion
HEX Code: E94C7C
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-KXEBoeing737-808(WL)2006Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
B-KXEHong Kong Express Airways737-808(WL)2007Icelandair, different AL then Hong Kong AL, s08.02.07 nc
B-5763Hainan Airlines737-808(WL)2013frd Haikou-HKG 18.06.15 white, ret to lessor
N710MQLessor737-808(WL)2015Macquarie AirFinance. Std MCI 30.06.2015
HL8048Eastar Jet737-808(WL)2015Lsd from frd Macquarie AirFinance until 01.2018, Apollo Aviation until 12.2018, Carlyle Aviation Partners from 12.2018. Frd MCI--ICN 01-02.10.2015. WFU 07.03.2020. Std BBU 06.11.2020
OE-ISFLessor737-808(WL)2020Carlyle Aviation Partners
YR-BMTBlue Air737-808(WL)2021Lsd from Carlyle Aviation Partners. WFU 24.09.2021. Std LFBF 05.10.2021, std MPL 24.03.2022
9H-AJLLessor737-808(WL)2022Carlyle Aviation Partners
CP-3196Boliviana de Aviacion737-808(WL)2022Lsd from Carlyle Aviation Partners. Frd MPL-SID-FOR-CBB 22-24.06.2022 on delivery
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