Boeing 737 NG [35082 / 2550]

Registration: 9H-TJF
Operator: Spicejet
HEX Code: 4D2352
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VT-JBFJet Airways737-85R(WL)2008BOC Avtn,, Dolphin Leasing r31.03.08, WFU and std HYD 12.03.2019
VT-SYCSpiceJet737-85R(WL)2019Lsd from Aircastle. Frd HYD-MAA 08.05.2019 on del. WFU 07.03.2020. Std CGK 19.10.2020
9H-TJFCorendon Airlines Europe737-85R(WL)2021Lsd from Aircastle
9H-TJFSpicejet737-85R(WL)2023Lsd from Corendon Airlines Europe
9H-TJFCorendon Airlines Europe737-85R(WL)2024Lsd from Aircastle. Incident - nose gear perial collapse at GZP 09.05.2024. Std GZP 09.05.2024 until 21.06.2024. Ret svc 16.07.2024
9H-TJFSpicejet737-85R(WL)2024Lsd from Corendon Airlines Europe
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-TJF Corendon Airlines EuropeEGCCSteve OBE
9H-TJF Corendon Airlines EuropeOTT/OFFJLRAviation
VT-JBF Jet AirwaysVIDPcolinw