Boeing 737 NG [35227 / 2621]

Registration: PK-LSV
Operator: Lion Air
HEX Code: 8A095D
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B27 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-XLARXL Airways737-96NER(WL)2008GECAS, AL ceased 12.09.08, Celestial Avtn Trading 6 r15.09.08, frd MAN-Lasham 18.09.08 retd lessor, fc, frd Lash-CAI 11.12.08 XL col
PK-LGHLion Air737-96NER(WL)2008fc sCGK 18.12.08, ret GECAS
M-ABEPCelestial Aviation737-96NER(WL)2012Celestial Avtn Trading to WFBN 14.11.11 N-rgd, M-rgd Celestial r07.02.12, canc 19.03.12
VT-JBYJetLite737-96NER(WL)2012sSZB 07.02.12 fcs, VT-rgd 20.03.12 Celestial Avtn Tr
VT-JBYJet Airways737-96NER(WL)2014fleet still operated by JetKonnect for Jet AW during 2015 while being repainted/integrated in fleet, AL ceased 17.04.19
UR-SQKSkyUp Airlines737-96NER(WL)2020GECAS ret/OE rgd 07.06.19, offered by Celestial Avtn Trading 6, to NWI 14-24.02.20 for paint, QLA-KBP 28.02.20
EI-HGCLessor737-96NER(WL)2022AerCap. Std OSR 27.09.2022
PK-LSVLion Air737-96NER(WL)2022Lsd from AerCap
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VT-JBY Jet AirwaysVIDPLGW_Harris
VT-JBY Jet AirwaysOTT/OFFJLRAviation
G-XLAR XL AirwaysEGHLgrahamepage
00-00-0000 VT-JBY Jet AirwaysOERKdixieboy