Boeing 737 NG [35275 / 2604]

Registration: OK-TVH
Operator: Sunwing Airlines
HEX Code: 49D09E
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OK-TVHBoeing737-8Q8(WL)2008Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
OK-TVHTravel Service Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2008ILFC
OK-TVHTajik Air737-8Q8(WL)2008frd PRG-DYU, ret when? see below
OK-TVHSomon Air737-8Q8(WL)2010frd PRG-DYU Somon Air titl on rear fus
OK-TVHTravel Service Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2011DYU-PRG
C-GVVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2011PRG--YYZ winter lse, r20.11.11
OK-TVHTravel Service Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2012YYZ--PRG 16-17.05.12
C-GVVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2012PRG--YYZ winter lse, r16.10.12
OK-TVHTravel Service Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2013
C-GVVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2013PRG-YYZ winter lse
OK-TVHTravel Service Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2014YYZ-PRG C-rgd, OK-rgd 22.05.14
C-GVVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2014PRG--YYZ, r14.10.14 special orange Nexus Tours cs, canc 19.05.15
OK-TVHTravel Service Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2015
C-GVVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2015PRG--YYZ, r02.11.15, canc 09.05.16
OK-TVHOman Air737-8Q8(WL)2016frd YYZ--Bacau, frd to BOH 17.05.16 for repaint Oman cs, BOH-PRG 24.05.16, wlsd to Oman Air, ret MCT-PRG 24.02.17, in svc in hybrid cs
OK-TVHSmartwings737-8Q8(WL)2017sLPA 28.02.17 Oman bcs, Smartwings titles, s25.03.17 now fcs, wfs 25.05.17, lsd to Niki, fis 25.05.17 full Smartwings cs, ret to TSA 15.06.17, is
C-GVVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2017PRG--YYZ, r24.10.17, wfs 27.05.18, canc 30.05.18
OK-TVHTravel Service Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2018YYZ--PRG 29-30.05.18, wfs 31.10.18
C-GVVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2018r05.11.18
OK-TVHSmartwings737-8Q8(WL)2019YQB-PRG 10.05.19
C-GVVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2019
OK-TVHJet2737-8Q8(WL)2023Lsd from Smartwings
OK-TVHSmartwings737-8Q8(WL)2023Lsd from Aviator Capital
OK-TVHSunwing Airlines737-8Q8(WL)2023Sublsd from Smartwings
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OK-TVH Sunwing AirlinesLGIRcolinw
OK-TVH SmartwingsOTT/OFFcolinw
OK-TVH SmartwingsOTT/OFFstewartgholman
OK-TVH SmartwingsOTT/OFFWarthog1
OK-TVH SmartwingsLGKRFlyDroo
C-GVVH Sunwing AirlinesCYYZcolinw
OK-TVH Travel Service AirlinesLGRPWarthog1
OK-TVH Travel Service AirlinesLTBSWarthog1