Boeing 737 NG [35710 / 2285]

Registration: PK-LVF
Operator: Lion Air
HEX Code: 8A0969
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PK-LFHLion Air737-9GPER(WL)2007PK-LAH ntu, dam 01.02.14 Surabaya, landed hard, breaking nosewheel gear and one of main landing gears, debris on runway, 8 injured, unborn baby killed, crew failed to report the hard landing, so PK-GFW received a deflated tyre upon landing due to the debris, presum repaired, ret lessor 06.17
HL8096Eastar Jet737-9GPER(WL)2017Lsd from FTAI. Frd GMP--VCV 01.12.19 presum for pickle fork repairs. WFU and std GMP 22.03.2020. Std PRG 16.12.2020
OK-FTOLessor737-9GPER(WL)2021Fortress Transportation (FTAI)
VQ-BNRLessor737-9GPER(WL)2022Fortress Transportation (FTAI). Lease to Royal Flight ntu. Std BRQ 12.11.2022, std PRG 13.11.2022. Std MPL 17.11.2022, std CHR 01.12.2022
PK-LVFLion Air737-9GPER(WL)2023Lsd from FTAI.
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