Boeing 737 NG [35794 / 2794]

Registration: TC-TJK
Operator: Corendon Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Written Off
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
A6-FDAFlyDubai737-8GQ(WL)2009Pegasus/Okay AW B-5415 as -8GQ/W ntu, contract tfd to FlyDubai, sRenton ar 14.01.09 testreg, Flydubai winglets, s30.01.09 no reg, sRenton 17.04.09 fc
TC-TJKCorendon Airlines737-8GQ(WL)201114.10.12 Antalya 0(196) fire in cockpit during pushback, 27 hospitalized due to fumes and chaotic evacuation / frd AUH-Antalya 03.06.11, slsd to Air Memphis 01.10.11 in full Corendon cs, sis 20.01.12, after damaged s str AYT 29.05.13 white, no titles, no reg, s09.13 being parted out, engines, flaps and slats removed
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-TJK Corendon AirlinesLTFEWarthog1
A6-FDA FlyDubaiOMDBcolinw